Frequently Asked Questions

Have question about selling your Suffolk County house the easiest and fastest way possible? Search some of our FAQs below!

What type of properties do you purchase?

We buy residential houses anywhere in Suffolk County, NY. It can be a single family, multifamily or small apartment building. The typical property we purchase is outdated, needs a lot of repairs, is inherited or facing foreclosure.

How do you determine how much my offer is?

On the walk through of your house, we will assess the repairs to get an idea of how much work will need to be put into the property. Then we perform comps on the area to see how much the property will be worth once it is renovated. Based off of those two factors, we will present you a fair cash offer.

What contingencies come with your offer?

None! We will never ask you to fix up or clean anything related to the property. We will also not need a home inspection and typically no appraisal.

The only contingency is that there is clean title on the property, which is something that any home purchaser will require before they close.

How fast can you close?

We can close as soon as the title report comes back clean. This could be under 7 days, but on average takes 2-3 weeks. If it is an urgent matter, we can have the process expedited.

This is way faster than if you are selling you property to a standard homeowner getting a mortgage, appraisal and inspection. That will take a few months.

Won't I get more money with a realtor?

Not always! You will need to pay your realtor around 4% of the property sale. With us you pay nothing. You will also be paying your mortgage, taxes and insurance for the 6+ months your property is listed - in Suffolk County that could be over $15,000.

My house is full of belongings. Do I need to clear the house out before you buy it?

Leave that to us! If you want anything in the house, it is definitely yours to keep. You can leave anything unwanted at the house and we will take care of it.

P.S. - we've purchased houses from hoarders where floor to ceiling is filled! This is completely okay.

I'm behind on my mortgage and owe more than the house is worth. Can I still sell it?

You can still sell your property if you owe more than the house is worth. There is a certain process and expertise involved to navigate this situation. We can help you through the confusing process.

I want to sell. How do I get started?

If you're ready to sell and interested in talking, there are two ways you can get started:

1. Fill out this form and we'll reach out, OR
2. Give us a call at (631) 848-0130

The most trusted house buyer in Suffolk County, NY ๐Ÿค